1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/application-testing
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/clusterhq-uncovers-that-most-developers-spend-half-their-day-debugging-errors/
12/7/2016 1:42:07 PM
ClusterHQ uncovers that most developers spend half their day debugging errors
App Debugging,Developer Time,Good Programming
App Developer Magazine
ClusterHQ uncovers that most developers spend half their day debugging errors

Application Testing

ClusterHQ uncovers that most developers spend half their day debugging errors

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christian Hargrave Christian Hargrave

A recent study from ClusterHQ uncovered that 60% of developer team members spend up to half their day debugging errors, instead of developing new features – proving that debugging is a huge resource drain for DevOps team. 

To visualize the impact of ineffective application testing, ClusterHQ created an that shows the "silent resource drain" of constantly debugging your apps, and the effects it can have on your productivity, and release cycles.

Key findings include:

- How often bugs appear in specific application environments

- Why developers are spinning their wheels in some regard and where their time is better spent  

- Why bugs are being missed and showing up in production

- Top challenges of testing with real data sets

App Developer Debugging Software

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